Hilton Everett Moore’s North of Nelson: Stories of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula – Volume 1 has six short stories set around north of Nelson in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula between late Victorian times to first half of the 20th Century. Each story stands on its own but thematically and atmospherically is connected to others in the collection.
The stories in this volume are character-driven and developed in a psychologically engaging tone. Moore’s characters, including children in some of the stories, come as highly sensitive beings with cultural sensibilities of the times depicted in the book. Their vulnerabilities stand out to the reader as does their quest for the righteous and in some cases not so righteous course of action.
Mortality, freedom and limitations, betrayal, and innocence are some of the many universal themes brought to life in North of Nelson as the author takes his readers through layers of the life history of his characters.
The last three stories – “A Shotgun Wedding,” “A Dog Named Bunny,” and “Woodsmoke” – are interrelated by their characters that essentially are the extended same family. Though narrated by different protagonists, the stories depict a haunting pattern of tragedies bordering guilt, error, and consciousness. The wild versus the caring sides of human nature is a common thread in these tales.
The artwork between successive stories and the timeline of Nelosn as it corresponds to the events and characters of each story add to the flavor of the tales and enhance their visual appeal.
Volume One of North of Nelson is a good pick for readers who have a taste for the classic in theme, character, and narration.
Disclaimer: The reviewer works with the publisher of this book but has not worked on this title in any capacity nor has been compensated for reading or reviewing the title. The review copy was accepted specifically on the terms of independence and freedom of opinion.
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781736744901
Availability: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/north-of-nelson-hilton-everett-moore/1142196454