Jewel Kats always writes special books addressing the most important needs of children, particularly of Reena’s Bollywood Dream (Loving Healing Press, 2011) is unique in that it takes an Indian girl as its central character and shows how her dream of becoming an actress in Bollywood makes her the pick of a sex predator.
The story has a great lesson about the innocence of a child’s dream and her bad experience with a relative who tries to take advantage of her by appearing as a source that could lead to the realization of her dream. Reena’s character shows courage, honesty, and intelligence. Also lovable are the illustrations by Richa Kinra.
This book is a must-read for all kids, especially for young girls so many of whom grow up with fantasies of becoming a showbiz girl and this fantasyland prays on their healthy inhibitions. It is also for parents and teachers of all cultures who need to protect their children from sexual abuse.
ISBN: 978-1615990146
Availability: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/reenas-bollywood-dream-jewel-kats/1112545476