Online marketing is becoming an integral component, many a time the leading one, of an effective marketing plan in our age of cyber technology. With popular social networking websites, like MySpace and Facebook, and video-sharing sites, like Youtube, videos have become the most favorite media for publicity about one’s products, services, and/or talent. Hence, a large number of people are turning to videography for marketing on the Internet. Award-winning videographer Jessica Kizorek’s latest book Show Me: Marketing with Video on the Internet (PSI Publications, Illinois, 2008) is a practical guide to the basics of online video marketing that address the important considerations in video-making for enhancing one’s web presence.
As specified in the disclaimer, Kizorek’s book is not a commercial offer of services but only a useful guide that educates aspiring and professional business owners on the most important facts about video marketing. In 12 chapters, the author covers her topic well from various angles including the reasons for choosing video marketing; different barriers to video marketing; knowing the audience and gauging success of a video; producing and distributing videos online; and so on. There are two very important chapters on legal entanglements relating video marketing, and on the perils and pitfalls involved in international video production. Also included in the book is an appendix summarizing the basics of video marketing online along with endnotes with important references. The information in Kizorek’s book makes it a crash course in video marketing on the Internet.
The glossy pages and attractive images in the book add richness to Kizorek’s conversational style of writing. There are very few typos in the entire publication and the only thing that may interfere with the reader’s enjoyment is the slew of quotes about video ads and marketing – something that fills virtually every second page of the book. However, one may easily skip them by concentrating on the interesting text of the chapters. Show Me: Marketing with Video on the Internet is the book for all Internet users, business owners, and individuals/groups who want to know about video marketing on the Internet.
ISBN: 1884230016