Baseball Player’s Guide To Hitting Like A Pro

In The Baseball Player’s Guide To Hitting Like A Pro, military sports instructor Roy Lingster gives current and aspiring baseball players a crash course in whetting their hitting skills. The…

So You Have a Disease

Every now and then we come across a book that restores our hope for a better time in future and opens our eyes to the treasures around us that we…

One Glittering Wing

Poet Joan Myles follows through with a second collection, One Glittering Wing, following the author’s first collection, One With Willows © 2019. As we become more acquainted with the author,…

Good Trouble

Good Trouble (Pantheon Books, 2018) by Joseph O’Neill’s is a collection of 11 short stories that give glimpses of contemporary life in the developed west. O’Neill seems to steer away…

Plague of Corruption

Last year, a video called “Plandemic” became an overnight sensation on the internet and created panic among the establishment and corporate media networks, causing them to rush to censor and…

See Something Say Nothing

In February 2020, former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official Philip Haney was found shot to death in Amador County, California. What cost him his life is documented in his…

Worlds Enough: The Invention of Realism in the Victorian Novel

The study of novel in literature and literary history has been of great interest to literary critics. The Victorian novel has been hailed as outstanding in its realism and form…

Escaping with His Life

Escaping with His Life – From Dunkirk to D-Day & Beyond (Pen and Sword, 2019) by Nicholas Young is an inspiring and thrilling account of Leslie Young, a British commando…

Skepticism and Language in Early Modern Philosophy

Philosophy buffs generally agree that language didn’t take center stage in philosophical inquiries until the advent of Analytic Philosophy, meaning around the 20th century. But did the grand masters of…

The Best of Me

Note: This review will refer to the listener as the reader. Just who is this David Sedaris guy and why do people fill theaters to listen to him perform his…

Forward Together: An Inside Look at Guide Dog Training

The author, who has raised and trained dogs for three decades reveals the professional methods behind teaching guide dog skills. Includes explanations of a wide range of guide dog skills,…

It Wasn’t About Slavery

Slavery and the American Civil War are almost always seen as the cause and effect in the historical perspective. But was the Civil War really about ending slavery in the…